Saturday, February 11, 2012


I'm not going to lie.  I'm sore.  More sore than after any other ER.  After my other two I was a little sore but by the end of the day it was all good.   It's almost 8pm and dang.  I really hurt.

When we were parking this morning my husband pulled in to spot 414.  I told him that means we'll get 14 eggs.  He said we should move to spot 418 then.  I should have told him to, because we did in fact get 14 eggs.  More than my previous cycles.  The doctor said she though 9 or 10 would fertilized since some looked immature.  I'll take it.  We find out tomorrow.

Another difference between this ER and my last ones is that I remember EVERYTHING that happened between getting the twilight and being put out.  I don't know if it's because the meds were less or because I willed myself to remember everything.  But it made me more comfortable with everything.  When he told me "Ok, now you're going to go to sleep" I was ready.

I don't know how I feel about all this.  Hopeful?  No.  Defeated?  Nope.  Numb...maybe.  We'll see what tomorrow's fertility report says.  That my change my mood.

One thing I do feel is:  Since my other ERs were so painless I was very comfortable with the idea of just going from ER to ER until something sticks.  Now that I feel like's harder for me to think like that. I know it's what we'll do (if we have to), but I don't want to think about it right now.

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