Sunday, March 14, 2010


This is not going to be long. I have a lot to say, but I'm afraid to say it. I don't want to jink myself or start getting my hopes up.

What I will say is:

6dp5dt HCG was 17
8dp5dt HCG was 44

Doubling Time is roughly 31 hours.

Next Beta is Tuesday, 11dp5dt

No spotting. No cramping. Lots of positive HPTs.


  1. I can't stop smiling. And rereading this, over and over and over.

    Didn't want to tell you this on Friday b/c I know you were trying to stay noncommittal and all, but I totally cried when I read the first post about you being pregnant. Yeah, I'm a mush. But I am so incredibly happy for you and I just have such a good feeling about this for you...

  2. Woot woot! Awesome second beta as I knew it would be.

  3. Sending sticky vibes your way.
