Wednesday, June 10, 2009

Hey, Want to See Something Cool?

Those are some of my follicles.   

Not bad huh?  My RE visit went well today (a trend?).    Lefty has tons of follicles.  6 of them between 14mm and 16mm.  And in a crazy shakeup Righty must have been pissed that I talk badly about him (I don't know why an ovary is a him, but he is) and decided to kick it in to high gear.  That is correct.  Righty has surpassed Lefty in large follicles with a whopping 8 between 14mm and 16mm.  It turns out ovary rivalry is a good thing.

The blood draw was a little dramatic.  I have one "good" vein.  If blood doesn't come out of that one we are pretty screwed.  Well that poor little vein is covered in holes.  My nurse said she could feel the scar tissue.  But we needed to get blood today damn it! So Vein was asked to go back to work.  2 nurses, a little digging and two needles later we got just enough blood to test.  And we fought for that blood.  I even had to pump on one of those little foam balls the whole time because each pump brought another tiny drop into the vial.

This above paragraph is something I could never have read let alone written before all of this stuff.   I have locked myself in a doctor's bathroom so he couldn't draw my blood.  Now I laugh at the face of needles.  Ha Ha!  (okay...they are still super scary so maybe it is more of a giggle).

ER now looks like either Saturday or Sunday.  But I'm still hoping for Monday.


  1. Woohoo! Go Follies!!

    Do you know that I check your blog obsessively? I think I am more anxious about all this working out for you than you are. Just kidding. Kind of.

  2. That's great that they are having a fight to the finish LOL! Sorry about the blood draw but thankfully they gor enough. I can't wait to hear about the ER!

  3. Go follies, hoping for goodies at the ER.

  4. Your follies look great! That is so awesome that they are so close in size on both ovaries!

  5. Grow follies grow...looking good.

  6. Go follies go!!! That's awesome! I know what you mean about the needles. I am terrified of them, but have to be good and go to my "happy place" when I get shots/blood draws. Infertility is a needle-phobes worst nightmare!

  7. YAY for the friendly competition! Having blood drawn sucks and especially when it you have a difficult time with veins, etc. It's amazing what we will put our bodies through!

  8. :) lol, ovary rivalry. I am right there with you on the needle thing...I just did my needle count with this IVF so far -80! Never would I have imagined that. Good luck!

  9. I love that you took a pic of the u/s. Too funny!

  10. They look "beautiful", yes a word that my NP often used about my follicles. Best wishes for bushels of healthy eggs!
