Monday, June 15, 2009

Lucky Number 7?

13 eggs
12 matured
7 fertilized - all with ICSI.

I don't know how I feel.   

Before I got the call today I told myself I'd love ten but I'd be happy with 5.  That was a load of poopie.  Cause I'm not happy with 7.  Shouldn't I be?  It's not a terrible number.  Half of those suckers could die and I'd still have more than enough to transfer. 

But I had these dreams, since we're MFI, that I'd have tons of eggs and we freeze a litter and whenever I wanted a new baby we'd just go to the fridge and pick one out.   Not gonna happen.

Now what if that was 8 matured eggs and 7 fertilized?  Would I be happier?  Yes.  Absolutely.  Cause the fact that only a little over half fertilized (58.33%) is what has me worried.   Is there something wrong with my eggs?  Something more wrong with my husband's sperm?  Something wrong with my RE?

How many times have I cheered girls on who have had less embryos than this?  Told them they had great reports.  Great chances.   And TRULY meant it?

Why can't I see this and think, "SEVEN! Woot!" instead of "Seven?  Wah!" 
(great I'm so upset I'm writing like freaking carrie bradshaw...)


  1. Obviously I know nothing about while 7 sounds like a great number to me, I get why you're not happy about it. But I am hoping that one of those 7 is gonna be Leo's new playmate verrrry shortly. I am in love with those 7 little embies and I know each one of them is lobbying in heaven for the chance to be your first born!

  2. I have not done IVf, so I can't understand exactly how you feel, but I think you are dead on as far as the % that fertilized. That is exactly what I would be thinking if it were me--why so few? Is something else wrong? But, I really think that in a day or two, you will be over the moon when the 7 lovely fertilized guys you've got. And you'll be even MORE over the moon when at least one of those bad boys sticks around for 9 months. I'm sending you the best GOOD LUCK vibes I can!!!!!!!!!

  3. I don't think seven sounds bad. But it is totally understandable to worry. Blah, there is nothing to say but God I hope this works for you. My fingers are crossed that all seven will keep going.

  4. 7 is still great...but I understand your disappointment. There is nothing more to do but pray that those 7 continue to grow and divide as they should. You have to put your faith in the 7 that you do have. Praying that your embies continue to divide. Praying for the best.

  5. I can understand your concern & disappointment. BUT I am really pulling for those 7!!! C'mon little guys, you've got a job to do! ;)

  6. Hey I had 100% fert and still didn't get a BFP. Conversely several ladies I know who were cycling at the same time had way lower numbers but are now pregnant. Just keep telling yourself "quality over quantity" until you believe it!

  7. Did I mention 7 is my lucky number? Sorry for the disappointment (which I totally get because I would feel the same way), but I hope you hear nothing but good stuff from here on out.

  8. hang in there, i hope 7 is YOUR lucky number :)

  9. It's hard to go through IVF and then not have the outcome you expected...however the ultimate outcome is not the number! Keep telling yourself that. :-) I know you probably hear it a lot-but it only takes one! (That's what I tell myself!)

  10. I know exactly how you feel. I had 10 eggs retrieved and only half were mature and only 3 fertilized. I was devastated and thought for sure it wasn't going to work. We all have certain expectations in our head and when they're not met we assume the worst will happen. I have an 18 month old toddler from one of those 3 embryos. Nothing anyone said made me feel better and I know that this won't help much either but just know that I am rooting for you.

  11. This comment has been removed by the author.

  12. Sorry, I'm taylor too the above post was from me, I was signed in under the wrong account again! D-UH!

  13. I am sorry not as many fertilized as you thought would, the same thing happened to me when I did IVF.
    7 is not a bad number at all though! It's quality over quanitity all the way so I have my fingers crossed that those are 7 rockstar embies and that you will have a decent number in a few days to put back/freeze.

  14. I think a 60% fert rate is pretty darn good and I don't think that means anything is wrong with your eggs or DH's sperm. I know it's hard to think positive about your own cycle, but seven little embabies really is great. I sending seven of 'em lots of growing vibes!!
