And life is....
Not bad. I'd actually say it's good.
My first two days of work have been so amazing. It's so different from the last show I was on. Instead of stress hives I break out in smiles (Holy crap that was cheesy...I'm tired...I haven't written an entry in a while...I'm rusty....back off!)
On my last show, the day I found out my FIL had cancer we were shooting an episode my partner and I wrote. She was on set. I was in the writers' room. My husband called up crying because he found out his dad had a short time to live. I rushed home. My boss dragged my writing partner off set to fill my place. When she protested (there were a DOZEN other writers in the room and NO ONE else on set) he made some snide remark like, "Why? Are you so Brilliant they can't do without you?".
Cut to my new job. I take the ENTIRE first week off because of the funeral. Instead of guilt trips and bitchy comments the new show sends me flowers saying "We're thinking of you. From you new Family at NAMEOFSHOW". These people are amazing. This is life changing.
I didn't realize how my last job was until I got into a normal, healthy, HAPPY situation.
I drive home now to gorgeous weather, in my gorgeous town, to my gorgeous house (that's it above....GORGEOUS right??) and the greatest husband ever. I got to sleep with my cats curled around me. I wake up excited to go to work.
Yes. I wish this IVF worked. Yes. I wish my FIL didn't have to die at 62. Yes. Those are two unbelievably horrible things to have to deal with.
And still I would classify myself as lucky. I am so lucky. Life is good. And after a short break we'll jump right back in to the wonderful world of IVF.