Wednesday, June 3, 2009

Guess What I Just Did?

Oh...nothing...just started stimming for an IVF!

That's right!  My body worked!  My lining was thin.  My ovaries were cyst free. My E2, FSH and all those other letters in my blood were low and good to go!

This is what I wanted.  But when my RE told me this morning I got scared.  Last IVF attempt I had a long time to prepare for it.  First I had a cyst that needed to go away.  That was a month and a half of BCP.  Then I had to wait for AF.  CD3 showed I still had a lot of lining (which was INSANE cause we all know what CD2 and CD3 are like).  Then I finally got ready to stim and my bloodwork came back with high estrogen levels.  IVF Canceled.  

Well, this time I had no time to mentally prepare.  I honestly didn't think I'd get to do this.  I still might not.  Anything can go wrong.  But so far....and this is weird to say....things are going right.

I'll be doing a flare protocol which means I find out I'm doing IVF today and my ER is probably going to be around June 13.  TEN DAYS from now.  You can see why I'm kinda freaking out.

I'm on 3 shots a night.  10 IUI of Lupron - easy.  I'm an old Lupron pro. 

300 IUI of Follistim - Whatever.  Did it before.  No problem.

1 vial of Menopur - we have a new one.  And a quick google showed over and over again the words "Menopur burn".  I was not looking foward to this one.   YES there is a burn.  But if you're reading this and haven't done it yet...don't be worried.  It's not bad.  I don't WANT Menopur burn, but I can do it.

Isn't that the IF mantra?  I don't want it, but I can do it.  The shots.  The bloodwork.  The ultrasounds.  It ain't easy.  But we can do it.  

Yes I'm scared of the IVF unknown.  But I CAN do it.


  1. you CAN do it! there is a burn, but as long as I did that injection first, I was good to go. then i actually could look forward to the follistim and occasionally ganirelix :)
    wow, you are on track. you will be doing ER by the time I finally finish the TWW.....for you time will fly by, for me those same 10 days will feel like an eternity :) I will be checking in on you!

  2. It looks like we are going to be on a very similar calendar for IVF. I'm excited for you. I know how hard it is to be hopeful in IF, but I'm keeping my fingers crossed that this is your shot! :-)

  3. Congratulations and good luck! I'll be keeping you in my thoughts and prayers.

  4. WOOHOOOO!! I am so excited for you. And if you need someone to give you the shots, call me.

    Actually I take that back. I'd probably pass out. But I can come over and watch you do it and say "ewww". That would be helpful, right? :)

  5. I've just stumbled across your blog and am reading it from the start so I'll probably have more to say but just wanted to THANK YOU for giving me a new mantra as I move through my IF journey: "I don't want it, but I can do it." This is going to be so helpful for me. I haven't wanted my 4 failed IUIs, but I could do it....

    Thank you for writing this blog.
